If you are looking for ways to pay for higher education, be assured that there are many scholarships available to blind students.

National Scholarship Program

The largest of its kind in the nation, the National Federation of the Blind’s annual scholarship program offers 30 merit-based scholarships, ranging from $3,000 to $12,000 each year. Applications open on November 1, and close on March 31.

Visit the National Federation of the Blind scholarship program(link is external) webpage for more information.

State Affiliate Scholarships

Many state affiliates of the National Federation of the Blind offer scholarships of varying amounts. Deadlines and eligibility criteria differ, so be sure to review your affiliate’s specific scholarship information.

Please Note: Not all states currently have a scholarship program. Check back because new ones will be added as they become available. If you have questions about a particular state scholarship, contact the state president or the scholarship chairperson.

Also check with your state affiliate to learn more about state affiliate scholarships(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


Two scholarships are awarded at the annual convention in September that range in value from $1,000 to $3,000. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


Each year, the National Federation of the Blind of California will award three scholarships during the annual State Convention. Two in the amount of $1,500 and one in the amount of $2,000. All application materials and documents are due in September of each year. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


This year the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado will be awarding up to $15,000 in scholarship funds for deserving students, and applications are due by April 15. For more details regarding the scholarship or to apply visit our website(link is external).


Five scholarships are awarded at the annual convention in November ranging in value from $3,000 to $5,000. The application deadline is September 15th. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

District Of Columbia

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


Each year, the National Federation of the Blind of Hawaii awards up to three scholarships to residents of Hawaii during the annual State Convention. The deadline is September 16, including all forms and additional documentation. To receive an application, email Shannon Cantan at shannoncantan.nfb@gmail.com.


Three scholarships will be awarded at the annual state convention in the amount of $1,000, $1,500, and $2,500. Applications will be accepted from December 15th through March 15th. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


Applications are accepted from November 1st through March 31st of the following year. Decisions will be finalized in early June. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


The Indiana state level Scholarship is awarded to one student for $1,000, Or two students for $500 each, and the deadline to apply is June 1st. For more information or to apply visit our website.(link is external)


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


Applications will be accepted starting in early spring. The application due date is June 1st. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


Applications will be accepted from December 1st through March 15th. Visit our website(link is external) for more information.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


The NFB of Maryland gives two scholarships in the amount of $1,500 and $2,000 each year. The deadline is always April 15. Applications will be available in January. You can find all of the details and apply on our website(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


The National Federation of the Blind of Minnesota will be awarding two scholarships in the amount of $1,000 and $1,500. The application deadline is April 15th. You can find all of the details and apply on our website(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


Applications become available around August 15th and are due in mid-October. The state affiliate offers a $1,000 scholarship. The Omaha chapter offers a $500 scholarship. The Lincoln Chapter offers two $250 scholarships. The Nebraska Association of Blind Students also offers a scholarship in varying amounts. Visit our website(link is external) for details.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

New Hampshire

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

New Jersey

The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey uses the same application procedure as the national scholarship. Anyone who applies for a national scholarship is automatically entered to win a state scholarship.

New Mexico

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

New York

Applications open in early July and close in mid-September. You can find more details and apply on our website(link is external).

North Carolina

The National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina awards one scholarship in the amount of $1,500 at our annual State Convention in September. Applications are due June 30 of each year. You can apply on our website(link is external).

North Dakota

This state does not currently have a Scholarship program.


The NFB of Ohio will award three scholarships to legally blind students who are or planning to pursue post-secondary education, and all Applications must be received by May 15 of the current year. $1,500 Jennica Ferguson Memorial Scholarship The Jennica Ferguson Memorial Scholarship is named for a young woman whose intelligence and leadership embodied the spirit of the Federation. Jennica was blind and died at the age of 18. $1,000 Robert Eschbach Scholarship Robert Eschbach served as NFB-Ohio president for eleven years, and devoted his life of 80 years to changing what it means to be blind. To apply visit our website(link is external) for more information.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


The National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania offers up to two scholarships of $1,000 each year. These are for Pennsylvania residents who have not received a national scholarship in the same year. We begin accepting applications after March of the calendar year and continue to accept them until around August 15th. If a student is selected to receive a state scholarship they are required to attend our state convention from Friday at noon through Sunday at noon. You can find more details and apply on our website(link is external).

Puerto Rico

This affiliate does not currently have a scholarship program.

Rhode Island

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

South Carolina

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

South Dakota

This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


The National Federation of the Blind of Texas offers four scholarships to legally blind state residents, each year. Applications are normally accepted between June 1 and August 15. Students who wish to apply must be pursuing a full-time course of study in order to qualify for the program. Scholarships range in value from $1,000 to $3,000. Applications are available on our website(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


If you are a Virginia resident, or attending an institute of higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia in the coming academic year, apply for the prestigious James F Nelson Virginia Scholarship. The deadline to apply is September 15. Inquiries and non-hoax related emails may be made to Brian Miller, chair of the scholarship committee, at: brianrmiller88@gmail.com. To apply, visit our online application(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.

West Virginia

All applicants should submit the application and applicable documentation by June 15 of each calendar year. A link to the application can be found on our state website(link is external).


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.


This state does not currently have a scholarship program.