Gene Kim, Secretary
Email: [email protected]
After first discovering the National Federation of the Blind as a 2019 national scholarship program winner, Gene has continued to grow as a leader, friend, and most rewardingly, a member of the National Association of Blind Students. In just a few short years, the Federation has reshaped Gene's blindness philosophy and provided him countless deep connections to mentors and friends. Outside of his role as Secretary, Gene is a junior at Stanford University studying Symbolic Systems and Design, with a focus in Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, and Mechatronics. He hopes to pursue a PhD and lead technology research efforts to make the world a more accessible place for those from marginalized communities. To see projects he has already contributed to, including screen reader accessible data visualization and haptic wearables to support remote education of blind students, check out his Google Scholar profile. In his free time, Gene loves listening to and playing music, experimenting with new recipes, venturing outdoors on hikes or camping trips, and catching up with friends late into the night. He's always eager to meet new people and welcome any newcomers to the blind student family, so don't hesitate to reach out!